In The News - Commentary by Kim

My precious Lord and Savior is coming soon and the countdown continues. As I watch the news, it only makes me more and more excited about the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Biblical prophecy, written thousands of years ago, is unfolding right before our eyes and it is an exciting time to be alive. Maranatha!!!!

Love on Israel! Support the Israel Emergency Fund click here
Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim! Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

National ID Card a Future Job Requirement?

Mike Madden
Republic Washington Bureau
Jun. 15, 2006 06:09 PM
WASHINGTON - The job application of the future may require showing would-be bosses a new ID card proving prospective employees are who they say they are.

Full article:

When I read the news it would almost be laughable if it weren't so tragic how we are unwittingly setting the stage for the coming world leader to take over.

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Rev. 13:17

Now is the National ID card the mark of the beast? Of course not! But how does a man come to be able to prevent people from buying or selling anything unless they have this mark requirement? There has to be some type of system in place which can keep track of who is buying and selling, right?

Well, in the quest for a more "safe" and "peaceful" world, systems are being devised every day to keep track of what we do. Even in stores there are these things called Value Cards that we need in order to take advantage of sales, which keeps track of what we are buying. Some stores ask for our phone number in order to make a purchase. Why? What's the purpose? They claim that the information is used "to be able to better serve our customers." Now, there are shopping surveys which ask questions about age, race, and income which I believe are truly tracking trends among various demographics. However, Value Cards ask personal information such as our address, phone number and employment. I would like to know how knowing that personal information is helping the stores better serve me as a customer. I don't see any personalized services catering to my personal shopping needs when I visit the stores. If they want to better be able to serve me by knowing what my shopping habits are, then I would expect to have my own personal cart waiting at the store for me when I arrive with every item that I need. After all, after all these years of tracking the stores should know when I usually shop, what my favorite brands are, and how often I run out of eggs. In fact, since they seem to need to know my address, then why not a personal delivery to my home?

Now before you think I am just another one of those conspiracy nuts who believes that there is a conspiracy plot behind every bush, I assure you that I am not. I don't believe that there is someone behind the scenes who gathered all of the big chain store executives together in a plot to compile information on citizens. However, I do believe that we are slowly and subtly being conditioned to believe that all these information gathering devices are innocent. It is softening the blow for the acceptance of a coming Global device, without which you cannot own a business to make a living, or buy food to feed your family.

Need my address and work information in order for me to buy a sale item at your store? Sure, no big deal! What does it hurt?

Need a national card to even hold a job? Why not? After all, we already have Social Security numbers for that.

Need a special mark in order to buy or sell? No biggie! We already pretty much have to anyway with all the other cards we hold.

So while we just shrug off yet another omen of future control as nothing, just remember the world will become as described in Revelation 13:17 some kind of way.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Global Education

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future!

Satan's vices are always the same, repackaged in bright new "PC" wrapping, and we fall for them every time. The above quote was from Adolf Hitler in his 1935 speech at Reichsparteitag. Hitler knew that in order to ensure the ingraining and survival of a particular philosophy on a culture; you must completely indoctrinate the children to your view. It seems this same mindset is now the driving force behind the new move towards Global Education. The following is a part of a news story from The Washington Times.

Learning globally

By George Archibald

The Bush administration has begun issuing grants to help spread a United Nations-sponsored school program that aims to become a "universal curriculum" for teaching global citizenship, peace studies and equality of world cultures.
The goal is to devise a curriculum to teach "a set of culturally neutral universal values to which all people aspire," based on human rights, equality of the sexes and "open-mindedness to change and obligation to environmental protection and sustainable development."
The U.S. Education Department has issued its first $1.2 million grant to implement the European-based International Baccalaureate (IB) program in middle schools that are to become "feeder schools" for the IB's high school diploma program in low-income school districts.
"We are ever mindful of the lessons of September 11, one of which is that all future measures of a rigorous K-12 education must include a solid grounding in other cultures, other languages and other histories," Education Secretary Rod Paige said a year ago as he announced new global-education initiatives in U.S. schools.
"In other words, we need to put the 'world' back into 'world-class' education," he said.

Now let's not be mistaken, this Global Curriculum the President is pushing through the Department of Education has nothing to do with raising the nation's failing test scores. This program is geared toward teaching (or indoctrinating, I would prefer to say), our children with so-called "universal values". Hitler used the same approach when attempting to mold the young German minds to his fascist ideology. I work in the education field, so I am well aware of the anti-Christian sentiments held by many. I don't want anyone in the school system teaching my own children any of their PC values that may go against their Christian upbringing. It is not their place to do so.
I ran across an article by a very articulate sixteen year old at the time named Ashley, called Public Schools and What You're Up Against. In the article, she describes her experiences as a Christian student in the public schools, and the battles she endured in the system. It is well worth the read. If the schools are already attempting to force their values on children now, how much more will they with the establishment of this Global curriculum?
Teach my children to read and write and leave the teaching of values to me!!!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Zarqawi is Killed

Zarqawi in Heaven Now, Family Says
By Julie Stahl
Jerusalem Bureau Chief
June 08, 2006

Jerusalem ( - The killing of al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi will not put an end to the "resistance" and will only increase the enemies of America in Iraq, a Hamas spokesman said on Thursday.

Full article:

Al Qaeda, as well as the other terrorist agencies are churning out thousands upon thousands of anti-American terrorists on a regular basis. Many Mid-East countries continue to publish their anti-semitic/anti-American propaganda literature to indoctrinate their children, and many other countries around the world who are shamelessly in bed with those countries for their oil wealth, and therefore turn a blind eye to it all, join in the criticism of the U.S.

So this quote: "Increase the enemies of America in Iraq" - Highly unlikely!!!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Atheist Agenda

Mt. Soledad Cross that several organizations are attempting to have removed

There is a movement in this country by Atheists and Atheist Organizations to remove any mention of God in our country. The movement includes everything from the removal of prayer in schools, the Ten Commandments from government buildings, to crosses of war veteran memorials on public properties. You have to wonder why there is such a strong, united effort to remove something that you don't even believe in.

I did a little web-surfing to Atheist websites and I found that they all had one thing in common. There was a lot of bashing of Christianity, Christians, the Bible, and Jesus. Of course, no surprises there. However, it seemed as though Christianity was the only religion strongly criticized. If an atheist is a person who doesn't believe in the existence of God, then why aren't other religions given equal bashing time? Plenty of other religions believe in some type of god. For instance, Muslims believe in Allah, and Hindus believe in millions of gods; hence, millions of bashing opportunities you'd think. I think the answer to this question lies in the same reason the Atheist movement is so strongly trying to remove all remnants of Christian symbols from public places.

I conclude that the real issue they are dealing with isn't an unbelief in God, but rather an enmity towards Christ.

Christ, and the removal of anything linked to Him or His ideals and values, seems to be their driving force. This strong desire to rid this country of Him has driven these people to form entire organizations for this sole purpose, and carry law suits to State courts as well as the highest court in the land, the U.S. Supreme Court. I contend that you do not spend that amount of time, energy and money on something that you believe is only a figment of other's imagination in the first place. The belief must certainly be there.

Psa 14:1
The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God."

Rom 1:19
because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.
Rom 1:20
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.