Good or Evil?
So much has been discussed about the Biblical views of end-time Apocalyse. Even those who have probably never opened a Bible have heard the terms Anti-Christ, the infamous number 666, and the Mark of the Beast. However in Islam there are also prophecies in the book they consider to be most holy, the Quran. The reason I feel these prophecies are too important to be ignored, even in the Christian community, is due to their possible relevance in current events, as well as the end-time future. What is striking about the prophecies in both books are their astouding similarities and stark contrasts.
In both the Bible and the Quran, there is a world leader described who will arise who will unite the world under one government and religion. He will be the most powerful man that ever lived. He will mesmerize the world with great signs and wonders. Though the world leader is described in the same way, there is one difference that will make all of the difference in the world. The world leader in the Bible is seen as an evil man who will persecute many, while the Quran's world leader is seen as the savior of the world.
Muslims are waiting for a world leader called the Mahdi. Iran's president Ahmadinejad has stated that it is his duty to continue his nuclear program in preparation for the Mahdi's appearance. However, while the Biblical scriptures warns its readers that this man is empowered by Satan himself, the Quran depicts this man as the Messiah, and demands allegiance. This Mahdi is the one portrayed in the end-time prophecies in Islam. It is even believed by many that the same rider of the white horse described in the book of Revelation in the Bible, is the great Mahdi.
You can't straddle the fence
In both accounts, this great leader will convince most people in the world to follow him. There will be no straddling the fence. You will either pledge your allegiance to this man or denounce him. This is not a decision to be made lightly either. The Biblical accounts state that if you receive the mark of this man, which means you have declared your allegiance to him, you will be irrevocably headed to eternal judgement. The Islamic prophecies proclaim that anyone who doesn't follow this man will not only be persecuted on earth, but also destined for Hell.
Which decision will you make?
Many prophecies of the Bible have already been fulfilled with 100% accuracy. These are very specific prophecies that were written hundreds and some thousands of years before they happened. I have heard skeptics say that no man can know the future before it happens. That is so true and exactly the point. Only God, who is outside of time, knows the future. The Lord spoke these words through His prophets and told us as a warning of the things that are to happen. With a 100% batting average, is there any logical reason to believe that the rest of the prophecies will not come to pass also? Where will you stand? Your eternal future depends on your answer.
To compare the prophecies of Islam and the Bible:
At Thursday, August 17, 2006 6:45:00 PM, Anonymous said…
Whew! It's a good thing it's all millennia-old myths we're talking about here, and not reality. (Anybody who claims that the mythological prophecies have come true with 100% accuracy is very obviously willing to believe anything as long as it is couched in terms they want to hear -- in other words, painfully gullible.) Your eternal fate is to join the rest of the ever-changing molecules of the universe. You'll always exist, just in different form. Spiritual immortality is a salve for the weak-minded.
At Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:31:00 PM, Kim Ferguson said…
Myths?! I challenge you to do research on the prophecies. Seriously, take the time out and do some serious research and come back to me. Go ahead - prove me wrong!!!!
At Friday, September 01, 2006 10:38:00 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi Kim. Cool site. I went to your other one too. How do you know that magog is Russia? Other than the fact that it is due north of Israel and Moscow is due north of Jerusalem?
At Friday, September 01, 2006 6:19:00 PM, Kim Ferguson said…
Thanks for visiting my sites and for the comment. Yes, you are right that one of the reasons we can gather that Magog is Russia is from the reference of being to the far north of Israel. Another reason is because some of the famous ancient historians, including Josephus, have linked Magog to the Scythian people and noted that they settled north of the Caucasus Mountains. That region is Russia.
At Saturday, September 02, 2006 11:20:00 AM, Amal said…
"The world leader in the Bible is seen as an evil man who will persecute many, while the Quran's world leader is seen as the savior of the world.".
I would like to correct you here. In the biography of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, the world leader is called a Dajjal (false one) and the Prophet warns that only non-believers will follow this man. Also, we too believe that the anti-christ rules for 7 years and at the end of the 7 years, Jesus (we call him Issa) kills the anti-christ.
I would caution you that as a true Christian (which you so obviously are), be careful which translations of the Quran you read. There is a fabulous one done by Penguin books and if you like, you can email me through my blog and I will get you all the information on it.
I have read all of the LaHaye/Jenkins books in the Left Behind series and was struck by the eerie similarities between how the two religions see the end times. LaHaye talks about how towards the end times, all manner of evil and debauchery is accepted. So too does any book on end times you read done by Muslims. LaHaye exhorts people to be consistent to their faith and believe in God. So do REAL Muslims (not those who have hijacked Islam for their own brand of evil).
I enjoyed your blog.
At Saturday, September 02, 2006 5:27:00 PM, Kim Ferguson said…
Hi Amal! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my site.
I wasn't aware that there were so vast variations in the different translations of the Quran. I am aware of some minor differences. I would be interested in you showing me some of the differences.
THe person I was referring to in the post is the Mahdi, which is a leader that I know many Muslims are looking for. I was not referring to the Dajjal- unless you are saying that the Mahdi is the Dajjal, false prophet. Is that what you are saying? That's hard to believe because how can an entire sect of the religion be looking for this person to come and be the savior of the world, who converts the world to Islam while many other Muslims are told that he is a false prophet? I'd greatly appreciate it if you could explain that to me.
At Saturday, September 02, 2006 9:09:00 PM, Amal said…
Ohhhh, you mean Mahdi Al Muntazar (Mahdi who is expected). That is strictly a Shi'ite thing. Also, he does NOT serve the same function as the anti-christ (I refuse to capitalize those letters LOL). According to the Shi'ite sect of Islam (the ones I know anyway); The anti-christ will rule for 7 years and when Mahdi comes, there will be a great battle. Then Jesus comes and kills the anti-christ with the sword of the Imam Ali called Zulficar.
Now, according to the rest of us (for the most part), the anti-christ comes as a false one. He will have followers to do his works on earth and will give them the ability to do false miracles. Only the true believers in God will see him for what he really is and only they will resist him. At the end of the 7 years, a great battle is fought and God sends Jesus (who we revere as a great Prophet in case you did not know) to kill the anti-christ.
Either way, the good guys win.
At Monday, September 04, 2006 12:47:00 PM, Kim Ferguson said…
The good guys win........ You got that right!!!!!
At Friday, September 15, 2006 2:33:00 PM, Hops said…
Reason is the enemy of faith, my friend.
At Saturday, September 16, 2006 7:59:00 AM, Kim Ferguson said…
Hi Jessica! Yes, reason is the enemy of faith - man's reason is the enemy of faith because man tends to think he is smarter than he is.
At Tuesday, October 03, 2006 8:54:00 AM, Anonymous said…
People love killing.
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