What's next?
Using planes as bombs to crash into buildings, liquid bombs to be detonated on planes, and now cell-phone bombs? What kind of depraved mind sits around imagining new ways of murdering hundreds and even thousands of people? Even the most insane serial killers usually stick to one key method for all of their victims. What in the world are they going to think of next?
Recognize that it is the Lord who is behind the Intelligence information and uncovering of each of these plots. Pray for the Lord to continue to protect us from these predators, uncovering their plots all around the world.
Three Middle Eastern Men Found With 1000 Cell Phones, Now Face Charges
The three suspects are now facing two counts each of Homeland Security Terrorism charges.
Wal-Mart places a limit on the number of cell phones that can be purchased at once, that number is three. The three men allegedly bought 80 by purchasing them three at time so that an alert wouldn't be triggered by the cash register.
One man was driving while the other two were in the back opening the phone packages with box cutters throwing the phones in one box, batteries in another and the packaging and phone charger in another container. The suspects had 1000 other cell phones in the van. There was also a bag of receipts showing that someone was in Wisconsin the day before.
Tim Nausler with the Michigan State Police bomb squad says this has all the tell tale signs of using cell phones to detonate bombs.
Recognize that it is the Lord who is behind the Intelligence information and uncovering of each of these plots. Pray for the Lord to continue to protect us from these predators, uncovering their plots all around the world.
Three Middle Eastern Men Found With 1000 Cell Phones, Now Face Charges
The three suspects are now facing two counts each of Homeland Security Terrorism charges.
Wal-Mart places a limit on the number of cell phones that can be purchased at once, that number is three. The three men allegedly bought 80 by purchasing them three at time so that an alert wouldn't be triggered by the cash register.
One man was driving while the other two were in the back opening the phone packages with box cutters throwing the phones in one box, batteries in another and the packaging and phone charger in another container. The suspects had 1000 other cell phones in the van. There was also a bag of receipts showing that someone was in Wisconsin the day before.
Tim Nausler with the Michigan State Police bomb squad says this has all the tell tale signs of using cell phones to detonate bombs.
At Saturday, September 02, 2006 9:10:00 PM, Amal said…
Nuts, these guys are all bloody nuts. I just wish it would all stop. I really do.
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