In The News - Commentary by Kim

My precious Lord and Savior is coming soon and the countdown continues. As I watch the news, it only makes me more and more excited about the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Biblical prophecy, written thousands of years ago, is unfolding right before our eyes and it is an exciting time to be alive. Maranatha!!!!

Love on Israel! Support the Israel Emergency Fund click here
Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim! Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

More Strides Toward "Peace and Safety"

1Th 5:3
While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape

Possibly, if I were not one closely watching trends toward the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, I would find nothing alarming about the agreement of the three North American leaders joining in hopes of securing our borders and strengthing trade. However, with the knowledge of what our future holds, my mind is conditioned to see the end and look backwards at how we could have possibly made it to that point.

What do we know from scripture? We know that there is a time period coming when a great leader will arise who will gain control over most of the world.

Rev. 13:7 ......And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation.

For this to happen, the world would have to be under one government, a common ruling body. It seems pretty unbelievable to think that this could happen to our world given the amount of various nations and people groups. We pride ourselves in America on being our own independent, sovereign, and free country held together by a strong constitution. If we are going to fall under the control of this great world leader, I contend that it will happen in one of two ways. There will either be a huge catastrophic event that happens to make Americans hand over or lose control over our governance, or little by little steps will be taken to make it easier for someone to take authority. I used to think there would have to be some huge event, however recent trends have caused me to reconsider.

Already we have nations joining together to work towards a common goal. In Europe there are already 25 countries making up the European Union. Last year George W. Bush met with Mexican President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin. The purpose of their meeting was to, "...develop new avenues of cooperation that will make our open societies safer and more secure, our businesses more competitive, and our economies more resilient." To achieve this goal, the North American countries plan to unite in order to build a stronger economy. It seems as though they are taking their cue from the European countries. Not only are there plans to build a North American Community with similar goals of those of the EU, but under the advice of Robert Pastor, who was the Vice Chair of the council on Foreign Relations Task Force on the Future of North America, consideration may be given to replace the U.S. and Canadian dollars and Mexican peso with a currency called the Amero to compete with Europe's Euro. One report by Jerome Corsi of RaidersNewsUpdate, described the North American Union as, "...envisioned to create a super-regional political authority that could override the sovereignty of the United States on immigration policy and trade issues." Of course this is all a far cry from giving up our sovereingty as a nation, but I suggest that it is one in perhaps many small steps in that direction. Today our focus may be on border control and economic issues, however after perceived successes in these areas, other common goals may come into play later. With the majority of Europe uniting into one body, and three economic powers in North America uniting, half the battle of uniting the world under the control of one has been taken care of. In other words, it's much easier to gain control of one European body and one North American body than attempting to conquer the individual member states of each.

The three leaders have termed the union as the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. They have stated in their joint statement that they are in cooperation to enhance the security of the people; to make our societies safer and more secure; to maintain high standards of health and safety; and to make sure our region is a more secure home for our people and future generations.

Safety, Security! Safety, Security! The words that should evoke feelings of comfort only sound the alarms for prophecy watchers. We know that in the last days the buzz words will be peace and safety. We know that the coming world leader, who most refer to as the Anti-Christ, will use the guise of peace to gain control. In Daniel 8: 25, it is said of this ruler that " peace he shall destroy many." Paul says in his letter to the Thessalonians concerning the end times that during a time when people are concerned about peace and safety, sudden destruction will come. When we hear of stories of movements to make the world safer and more peaceful, we know that it is moving closer and closer to the end. Jesus told us to recognize the signs of the times.

Matthew 24:32-33 "Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its buds become tender and its leaves begin to sprout, you know without being told that summer is near. Just so, when you see the events I've described beginning to happen, you can know his return is very near, right at the door."


Sunday, May 21, 2006

Can Iran Destroy America Without Weapons?

(Iranian President Maumoud Ahmadinejad)

America has long been a thorn in the side of the Middle Eastern countries bent on the destruction of Israel. Decades of insurgencies and several wars attempting to oust the Jews from the land have resulted in mounting frustrations for the surrounding Muslim nations. Even though initially Israel was far inferior in military might, she managed to withstand each blow of her enemies. (You can compare the weaponry of the Israeli defense Forces to the Arabs: Ignoring all of the prophecies of the Lord bringing the Jews back to the land He gave them, the Arab nations have continuously blamed the United States for the success of Israel. Therefore, because of the support the U.S. has shown Israel, she is seen as an evil that must be stopped.

There is a big problem which these nations face. The United States is still a military powerhouse compared to the rest of the world. How do you destroy the world's biggest superpower if you are militarily inferior? To take down a giant, you must find and focus on its weakness.

The United States has a dirty little secret. The entire United States economy may be uncomfortably dependent on an agreement it has made with Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest oil exporter. The agreement was that any oil purchased from Saudi Arabia, who produces 40% of the world's oil supply, would be accepted only in United States fiat dollars. In short, any nation wishing to purchase oil from this country would have to hold large dollar reserves. This is a key to the sustainability of the U.S. economy. However, this also makes the U.S. most vulnerable and susceptible to the will of the international community. If OPEC nations decide to accept other currency, such as the Euro, then the U.S. economy can collapse right on top of her enormous deficit. Iraq already tried this in 2000, when deciding to accept Euros in trade for oil. At that point the Euro began to grow against the dollar. This step was reversed however when the U.S. invaded Iraq.

Iran, the second largest OPEC oil producing country, has honed in on the weakness of the American economy. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has already initiated steps to begin trading oil in Euros instead of the all-mighty dollar. If nations decide to jump the dollar ship, the value of the dollar will sink. Iran, can begin the process of the destruction of America without ever dropping a bomb.

So what's the solution? The solution to the Iraq question seemed to be an invasion. But can the United States attempt to justify another war against a country when the current war is becoming increasingly unpopular? It seemed to work for the moment to achieve its purpose, but most of the population remains unaware of the dire state of the economy. How can the public then be convinced to support troops going into another country, especially one so close to developing nuclear capabilities?

No! I don't believe that the solution to America's problem has anything to do with invasions, oil independence, or decreasing national debt. America can learn a lot from Israel's past.

Psalms 127:1.....Unless the Lord protects a city,
guarding it with sentries will do no good.

Israel has been able to sustain herself as a nation only by divine intervention. There is no other logical conclusion one can come to when examining the seemingly impossible odds the nation has had to overcome. Israel continues to exist as a nation because it is God's will that it does. On the same token, America has been so blessed as she has because the Lord has chosen to bless her. If America wants to continue to enjoy her prosperity, she must first acknowledge where her blessings come from. Banning the Lord and His laws from schools and public property would definitely not fall under acknowledging the source of our blessings. Voting to put those in office who support laws to ban any mention of God in our society, or passively sitting by idlely is not helping the cause either.

If the Lord does not protect our great country that I love, no amount of economic or military might will make a bit of difference to our survival. Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it. If we continue to tell the Lord that He is not welcome in our country, we may get just that.

"If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14

As Christians, we bear the responsibility for the future of our country. If we want to deter the destruction of our beloved nation, the Lord has told us what to do as His people, called by His name.

Friday, May 12, 2006

What's a Little Loss of Privacy for the Sake of Security?

So what's the big deal anyway? We sacrifice a little privacy for the sake of security. I mean, have we forgotten so quickly the images of the planes flying into the Twin Towers and the desperately hopeless bodies flailing out of the windows of the buildings to their deaths, right before it collapsed and came crashing to the ground? Those images are so horrible to relive that we have to do something, right? We all know our borders aren't secure, so we have to do something about those anti-American terrorists over here plotting our deaths on our own soil. So if the government wants to ensure our safety, then it must be able to take whatever measures necessary in order to make sure it can spy on whomever it deems necessary. If that means that they need to monitor our phone records which will inevitably lead to listening to our phone calls without our consent, (who are they trying to fool?), big deal! If I am not doing anything wrong then it shouldn't matter, right? So what if they know I'm talking to my Mom about my travel plans to Florida this summer, or to my friend about my latest recipe endeavor? Isn't the safety of thousands or maybe even millions of Americans more important? And they are only really interested in the bad guys anyway. But, wait a minute! What is a bad guy? What is a terrorist? I just looked up several definitions, which basically say about the same thing.

A terrorist is a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities.

Now I am asking this question because several years ago I had a rather lengthy dialogue with a penpal of mine from South Africa. She is a Muslim girl that I didn't know throughout the years of writing to her that she held very strong anti-American sentiments. Right after 9/11 we began discussing the events of the time, which inevitably led the discussion up to the entire Intifada movement in Israel. Suicide bombings were a daily occurrence. However to her, the Palestinians involved in the suicide bombings were "freedom fighters". This didn't surprise me since everything that she and I discussed, I had heard many times by those who shared her views. Those that I saw as terrorists, she regarded as freedom fighters. So the question is:

Is being a terrorist in the eye of the beholder?

If being a terrorist is indeed in the eye of the beholder, then who is deemed a terrorist depends on who is defining the person, right? Yes sure today when we think of a terrorist we think of someone of Middle Eastern descent with very radical views and bent of the destruction of Israel and America (mainly for her support of Israel). Basically, this person we believe is against peace and against what we stand for in our country. This is mainly who our current president has in mind and is targeting. But Bush has only a short time left as our leader and new leaders will eventually emerge on the scene, with the same laws, giving the same liberties, on the books. Now we have someone else doing the "beholding". Now this new person with access to the same laws, giving the same liberties to the government, is defining who a terrorist is. Sure, the goal remains to target those that are against peace and against what we stand for. But what do we stand for? Do we even agree as Amercians on that? The big buzz word in our country is that everloving "T" word - Tolerance. After all, those terrorists sure aren't tolerant of those who disagree with their political views, are they? But there are also others that aren't tolerant either- like those Christians who believe that Jesus is the only way to salvation. They are in essence saying that no one can get to heaven except by believing in Jesus. Now that isn't very tolerant in light of the fact that most people in the world do not believe in Jesus.

So now we have to revisit that definition of a terrorist.

A terrorist is a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities.

There is no doubt that the whole thought of your way as being the only way is pretty radical. That fundamentalist "Religious Right" group is for sure influential in the political arena. They are always sticking their noses in political affairs. Gee, haven't these people ever heard of separation of church and state? But do they use terror? Well, what can be more terrorising than the thought of eternal punishment? They certainly organize in small groups with others like them under the name of religion. Oh my goodness, I think we have another terrorist organization! Of course they don't believe that they are terrorists, but isn't being a terrorist in the eye of the beholder?

OK, so now I am a leader of the most powerful nation in the world and I have deemed that these Christians are a terrorist organization. They are certainly against the American values of peace and tolerance because they won't let go of their radical, intolerant views of Jesus being the only way to salvation. Their political influence is making it impossible to move forward as a nation because they refuse to embrace the ideas of all the other religions represented in the country. They also keep trying to push their own values on the culture, like trying to make us look at those laws reflecting their values called the Ten Commandments on our public properties. What is the difference between them and radical Islam? Can't see much. After all, one uses physical intimidation and the other uses psychological intimidation. Hey, I know it is a stretch but I am doing the "beholding" so I can judge however I want, remember?

Well, luckily we have these laws on the book that our previous president George W. Bush put in place years ago, among which makes it legal for the government to spy on its citizens if it believes that they may be engaged in terrorist activities. We must keep watch on those Christians and monitor their movements. After all, now that we have deemed that they are terrorists, their rights as American citizens are now forfeited.

So what is a little privacy forfeited in the name of security? What is the big deal anyway? Who is it going to hurt? After all, they are only going after the terrorists and not regular, law-abiding citizens like you and me, right?


Well, we know that the scriptures tell us that there is going to be a coming world leader who will have control over the whole world, and who will not be very friendly to Christians.

Rev. 13:7 And the beast was allowed to wage war against God's holy people and to overcome them. And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation.

Now this world leader is going to have incredible control, even over our economic system, as we have not seen in our country in our lifetime.

Rev. 13: 16-17 He required everyone-great and small, rich and poor, slave and free-to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. 17 And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.

But in our country? Our free country? How can that happen? Well, it will happen because the scriptures tell us so. How do we lose our sovereignty and freedoms? Just one little security-building law at a time.

(I wrote this commentary in response to this news item: )

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Success of the Aliyah

Jeremiah 30:3 For the time is coming when I will restore the fortunes of my people of Israel and Judah. I will bring them home to this land that I gave to their ancestors, and they will possess it and live here again. I, the Lord, have spoken!"

This Week with Rabbi Eckstein
May 4, 2006

Dear Friends,
Here's an item of interest to anyone who loves Israel: There are now more Jews living in Israel than in any other country. Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics reported a few days ago - shortly before the 58th birthday of the Jewish state - that Israel's population increased 118,000 since last year, and that her Jewish population now stands at 76 percent of the total 7.3 million inhabitants.
There are a couple of reasons for this rise. The first is an increasing birthrate, attributable mainly to Arabs and the Jewish ultra-Orthodox. The second is aliyah (Jewish emigration to Israel), which is a key element for ensuring Israel's Jewish majority as well as her peace and security.

For entire article:
Hallelujah!!!! The Lord has been continuously bringing his prophecy to life for over half a century (gee, has it been that long?). This prophecy that the Lord will bring the Jews back into the land of course was given over 500 years before the Jews were dispersed from their land and thousands of years before the Lord brought them back. Who knows the future like this? Only God. The scene is being set for that Seventieth Week of Daniel. Maranatha!

Pray for the peace of Israel
Psa 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper.

Gen 12:3 I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. All the families of the earth will be blessed through you.

Plans to split Jerusalem

Olmert drawing plans to split Jerusalem with the Palestinians
By Associated Press May 5, 2006

Israel's new government is drawing up plans to divide Jerusalem, giving the Palestinians nearly all the Arab neighborhoods of the city and Israel control of Jewish areas and disputed holy shrines, an architect of the program said.

Otniel Schneller, in interviews with The Associated Press this week, outlined the government's plan to separate from the Palestinians and draw Israel's final borders by 2010, providing the clearest indication yet of what Jerusalem is likely to look like and how Israel plans to abandon much of the West Bank.

Under the plan, which would be executed unilaterally if efforts to resume peace talks fail, Jerusalem's Old City, its holy shrines and the adjacent neighborhoods, would become a "special region with special understandings," but remain under Israeli sovereignty, said Schneller, a lawmaker in Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Kadima Party.

Schneller cautioned that the ideas are still in the planning stages, require international backing and that there's no clear timetable for carrying them out.

Olmert's withdrawal plan involves dismantling dozens of Jewish settlements with tens of thousands of people and moving them to larger West Bank settlement blocs that Israel hopes to hold onto under a final peace deal.

Israel has said it will give the new Hamas-led Palestinian government time to agree to international demands to recognize Israel, accept past peace deals and renounce violence. More than a month into its reign, Hamas has rejected the demands, Israel has cut off all ties with what it has labeled an enemy entity and it appears increasingly likely the Jewish state will draw its borders on its own.

For full article:

"At that time, when I restore the prosperity of Judah and Jerusalem," says the Lord, 2 "I will gather the armies of the world into the valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will judge them for harming my people, for scattering my inheritance among the nations, and for dividing up my land." Joel 2:2-3

It saddens me to see the continuous concessions that Israel continues to give over her land. The Israeli government gives and hopes and gives and hopes again. Still, the violence continues. This of course is no surprise to prophecy watchers and those with a solid understanding of ME history and the Palestinian agenda.

In the article it states that Israel is giving the PA more time to accept the peace demands, though after 50 years, not much has changed, even with the death of Arafat. Really, what is more time going to do? Though I do understand that with the amount of International pressure on her, she feels that she has to appear to be willing to negotiate. It's funny that the same pressure isn't being placed on the Palestinians, not really. My prayer is that Israel will look to the Lord and try to please Him instead of the rest of the international community.

Now after continued pressure, they are finally going to split Jerusalem. More Israelis will have to give up their homes, but what is that for a little peace, right? For sure giving parts of Jerusalem will satisfy the Palestinians. Maybe the area will resemble the peaceful area of Kashmir. It sure worked well over there, right? And really, why would the terrorist acts stop by getting a little more land when the terrorist acts are what got them the land in the first place? There's no incentive to stop and every incentive to continue.

Still, we are commanded to pray for the peace of Israel. By praying this we are praying for the return of our Lord, when the only real peace will be established.

Psa 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper.