What's a Little Loss of Privacy for the Sake of Security?
So what's the big deal anyway? We sacrifice a little privacy for the sake of security. I mean, have we forgotten so quickly the images of the planes flying into the Twin Towers and the desperately hopeless bodies flailing out of the windows of the buildings to their deaths, right before it collapsed and came crashing to the ground? Those images are so horrible to relive that we have to do something, right? We all know our borders aren't secure, so we have to do something about those anti-American terrorists over here plotting our deaths on our own soil. So if the government wants to ensure our safety, then it must be able to take whatever measures necessary in order to make sure it can spy on whomever it deems necessary. If that means that they need to monitor our phone records which will inevitably lead to listening to our phone calls without our consent, (who are they trying to fool?), big deal! If I am not doing anything wrong then it shouldn't matter, right? So what if they know I'm talking to my Mom about my travel plans to Florida this summer, or to my friend about my latest recipe endeavor? Isn't the safety of thousands or maybe even millions of Americans more important? And they are only really interested in the bad guys anyway. But, wait a minute! What is a bad guy? What is a terrorist? I just looked up several definitions, which basically say about the same thing.
A terrorist is a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities.
Now I am asking this question because several years ago I had a rather lengthy dialogue with a penpal of mine from South Africa. She is a Muslim girl that I didn't know throughout the years of writing to her that she held very strong anti-American sentiments. Right after 9/11 we began discussing the events of the time, which inevitably led the discussion up to the entire Intifada movement in Israel. Suicide bombings were a daily occurrence. However to her, the Palestinians involved in the suicide bombings were "freedom fighters". This didn't surprise me since everything that she and I discussed, I had heard many times by those who shared her views. Those that I saw as terrorists, she regarded as freedom fighters. So the question is:
Is being a terrorist in the eye of the beholder?
If being a terrorist is indeed in the eye of the beholder, then who is deemed a terrorist depends on who is defining the person, right? Yes sure today when we think of a terrorist we think of someone of Middle Eastern descent with very radical views and bent of the destruction of Israel and America (mainly for her support of Israel). Basically, this person we believe is against peace and against what we stand for in our country. This is mainly who our current president has in mind and is targeting. But Bush has only a short time left as our leader and new leaders will eventually emerge on the scene, with the same laws, giving the same liberties, on the books. Now we have someone else doing the "beholding". Now this new person with access to the same laws, giving the same liberties to the government, is defining who a terrorist is. Sure, the goal remains to target those that are against peace and against what we stand for. But what do we stand for? Do we even agree as Amercians on that? The big buzz word in our country is that everloving "T" word - Tolerance. After all, those terrorists sure aren't tolerant of those who disagree with their political views, are they? But there are also others that aren't tolerant either- like those Christians who believe that Jesus is the only way to salvation. They are in essence saying that no one can get to heaven except by believing in Jesus. Now that isn't very tolerant in light of the fact that most people in the world do not believe in Jesus.
So now we have to revisit that definition of a terrorist.
A terrorist is a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities.
There is no doubt that the whole thought of your way as being the only way is pretty radical. That fundamentalist "Religious Right" group is for sure influential in the political arena. They are always sticking their noses in political affairs. Gee, haven't these people ever heard of separation of church and state? But do they use terror? Well, what can be more terrorising than the thought of eternal punishment? They certainly organize in small groups with others like them under the name of religion. Oh my goodness, I think we have another terrorist organization! Of course they don't believe that they are terrorists, but isn't being a terrorist in the eye of the beholder?
OK, so now I am a leader of the most powerful nation in the world and I have deemed that these Christians are a terrorist organization. They are certainly against the American values of peace and tolerance because they won't let go of their radical, intolerant views of Jesus being the only way to salvation. Their political influence is making it impossible to move forward as a nation because they refuse to embrace the ideas of all the other religions represented in the country. They also keep trying to push their own values on the culture, like trying to make us look at those laws reflecting their values called the Ten Commandments on our public properties. What is the difference between them and radical Islam? Can't see much. After all, one uses physical intimidation and the other uses psychological intimidation. Hey, I know it is a stretch but I am doing the "beholding" so I can judge however I want, remember?
Well, luckily we have these laws on the book that our previous president George W. Bush put in place years ago, among which makes it legal for the government to spy on its citizens if it believes that they may be engaged in terrorist activities. We must keep watch on those Christians and monitor their movements. After all, now that we have deemed that they are terrorists, their rights as American citizens are now forfeited.
So what is a little privacy forfeited in the name of security? What is the big deal anyway? Who is it going to hurt? After all, they are only going after the terrorists and not regular, law-abiding citizens like you and me, right?
Well, we know that the scriptures tell us that there is going to be a coming world leader who will have control over the whole world, and who will not be very friendly to Christians.
Rev. 13:7 And the beast was allowed to wage war against God's holy people and to overcome them. And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation.
Now this world leader is going to have incredible control, even over our economic system, as we have not seen in our country in our lifetime.
Rev. 13: 16-17 He required everyone-great and small, rich and poor, slave and free-to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. 17 And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.
But in our country? Our free country? How can that happen? Well, it will happen because the scriptures tell us so. How do we lose our sovereignty and freedoms? Just one little security-building law at a time.
(I wrote this commentary in response to this news item: http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2006-05-10-nsa_x.htm )
A terrorist is a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities.
Now I am asking this question because several years ago I had a rather lengthy dialogue with a penpal of mine from South Africa. She is a Muslim girl that I didn't know throughout the years of writing to her that she held very strong anti-American sentiments. Right after 9/11 we began discussing the events of the time, which inevitably led the discussion up to the entire Intifada movement in Israel. Suicide bombings were a daily occurrence. However to her, the Palestinians involved in the suicide bombings were "freedom fighters". This didn't surprise me since everything that she and I discussed, I had heard many times by those who shared her views. Those that I saw as terrorists, she regarded as freedom fighters. So the question is:
Is being a terrorist in the eye of the beholder?
If being a terrorist is indeed in the eye of the beholder, then who is deemed a terrorist depends on who is defining the person, right? Yes sure today when we think of a terrorist we think of someone of Middle Eastern descent with very radical views and bent of the destruction of Israel and America (mainly for her support of Israel). Basically, this person we believe is against peace and against what we stand for in our country. This is mainly who our current president has in mind and is targeting. But Bush has only a short time left as our leader and new leaders will eventually emerge on the scene, with the same laws, giving the same liberties, on the books. Now we have someone else doing the "beholding". Now this new person with access to the same laws, giving the same liberties to the government, is defining who a terrorist is. Sure, the goal remains to target those that are against peace and against what we stand for. But what do we stand for? Do we even agree as Amercians on that? The big buzz word in our country is that everloving "T" word - Tolerance. After all, those terrorists sure aren't tolerant of those who disagree with their political views, are they? But there are also others that aren't tolerant either- like those Christians who believe that Jesus is the only way to salvation. They are in essence saying that no one can get to heaven except by believing in Jesus. Now that isn't very tolerant in light of the fact that most people in the world do not believe in Jesus.
So now we have to revisit that definition of a terrorist.
A terrorist is a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities.
There is no doubt that the whole thought of your way as being the only way is pretty radical. That fundamentalist "Religious Right" group is for sure influential in the political arena. They are always sticking their noses in political affairs. Gee, haven't these people ever heard of separation of church and state? But do they use terror? Well, what can be more terrorising than the thought of eternal punishment? They certainly organize in small groups with others like them under the name of religion. Oh my goodness, I think we have another terrorist organization! Of course they don't believe that they are terrorists, but isn't being a terrorist in the eye of the beholder?
OK, so now I am a leader of the most powerful nation in the world and I have deemed that these Christians are a terrorist organization. They are certainly against the American values of peace and tolerance because they won't let go of their radical, intolerant views of Jesus being the only way to salvation. Their political influence is making it impossible to move forward as a nation because they refuse to embrace the ideas of all the other religions represented in the country. They also keep trying to push their own values on the culture, like trying to make us look at those laws reflecting their values called the Ten Commandments on our public properties. What is the difference between them and radical Islam? Can't see much. After all, one uses physical intimidation and the other uses psychological intimidation. Hey, I know it is a stretch but I am doing the "beholding" so I can judge however I want, remember?
Well, luckily we have these laws on the book that our previous president George W. Bush put in place years ago, among which makes it legal for the government to spy on its citizens if it believes that they may be engaged in terrorist activities. We must keep watch on those Christians and monitor their movements. After all, now that we have deemed that they are terrorists, their rights as American citizens are now forfeited.
So what is a little privacy forfeited in the name of security? What is the big deal anyway? Who is it going to hurt? After all, they are only going after the terrorists and not regular, law-abiding citizens like you and me, right?
Well, we know that the scriptures tell us that there is going to be a coming world leader who will have control over the whole world, and who will not be very friendly to Christians.
Rev. 13:7 And the beast was allowed to wage war against God's holy people and to overcome them. And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation.
Now this world leader is going to have incredible control, even over our economic system, as we have not seen in our country in our lifetime.
Rev. 13: 16-17 He required everyone-great and small, rich and poor, slave and free-to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. 17 And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.
But in our country? Our free country? How can that happen? Well, it will happen because the scriptures tell us so. How do we lose our sovereignty and freedoms? Just one little security-building law at a time.
(I wrote this commentary in response to this news item: http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2006-05-10-nsa_x.htm )
At Saturday, May 13, 2006 9:21:00 AM,
SgtMajor said…
wow so long
but thanks for the verse.
I think your blog isnt for everybody consumption.
At Saturday, May 13, 2006 9:46:00 AM,
Dani the Dandelion said…
I must ask then... Since we know that persecution of Christians is BOUND to happen- in fact, we are to rejoice in it, because it builds stronger faith- why do we care about the law? God didn't promise us a rosy life as a Christian- He promised suffering, and sacrifice. He didn't promise privacy, or "american" privileges... he promised persecution and humiliation.
If I start being persecuted as a result of the laws, (which have been blown out of proportion- I understood that the government was only listening to known/suspected terrorists and the people they talk to- not the entire population... for one thing, that would be extremely costly and ineffective) it will be God's will, and I will try to rejoice in it, and thank Him for the opportunity to suffer for His sake.
Persecution builds faith. America is full of weak pathetic people who call themselves Christians- but never had to stand for their faith, or do anything near like the things that Christians in other parts of the world must do- we meet here in relative peace, in the open, and don't have to be wary of police breaking in to our church services and arresting us. We don't risk being killed for our faith.
I read that Christians in China are actually praying for our persecution- to revive our faith! After all- what good is our testimony to be a Christian in good times, when everything is going easy for us? It's when the persecution comes, and you stand for your faith in the face of death or torture, that your testimony is strongest.
We are WAY too concerned about our silly rights and liberties- when God gave up all of HIS deserved honors and glory, to die on a cross for us. How much farther can you get from the selfish concept of "but this is my RIGHT!"... your only right, is to worship God with all of your heart, mind, and soul- for that is what you were made for.
At Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:08:00 AM,
Kim Ferguson said…
Hello Hedgehogman and danette. Thanks for reading and replying to my commentary.
I understand your comments about Christians in this country not having their faith tested because we lack the type of persecution that exists in other countries. However, I think that it is God's blessing to be in a country where we can freely worship Him and hear the gospel. I believe that He wants us to continue to be that way because if we were like some other countries, people might not be able to hear the gospel as freely and easily. It is definitely His will for everyone to hear the gospel. So I believe that we should protect our freedoms so that we can continue to do so. I visited China this past summer as a missionary, and met some people from the underground church. One man told us his story of how he spent about 25 years in prison because he believed in Jesus. Now what if it came to the point where we went through similar persecution here? The freedoms that we enjoy are a blessing from God and we should fight to protect them. I beleive that not doing so would be handing our country over to Satan.
At Saturday, May 13, 2006 5:54:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Geez, this monitoring our phone records deal is starting to get on my nerves, they do not have people on a third line listening to all of our conversations... This would take 1 person out of 3 people in America listening to our every phone call. No! They do not do that...
They have word sensors, example:
If you made a call to some-one and you used the words "going to blow up tunnel."Then that person calls some-one else and uses a similar sentence, and that person makes a phone call to another country like Iraq for example, then the Machine will alert the Homeland security and they will track the calls and get the men... They do not read your conversation unless three or four weird conversations take place that link each other in a almost like relay of messages...
Geez, this isn't invading privacy...No one is listening on the other end you know how much man power that would take...
Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone but the Democrats are making up stories to get themselves elected, and people are just dumb enough to believe it...
At Sunday, May 14, 2006 5:35:00 AM,
Kim Ferguson said…
Hi Trinity, thanks for reading and responding to my blog.
I don't think the government is listening to everyone's conversation now, but I am more worried about what this could lead to. If they have more and more authority to invade the rights of citizens in the name of fighting terrorism now, what can this lead to when we have the coming world leader on the scene?
At Monday, May 15, 2006 4:07:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, interesting article. I linked here from Worthy, by the way. I used to work for the Pentagon; my testimony is up at Worthy. I can tell you that this technology (for looking at trends in phone calls) has been around since the '80's if not before. They are not listening in to our phone conversations, of that I am certain. The technology does exist for that, but not the manpower. Logistically it just is not possible.
During a time of war, it is not unusual to surrender some rights for safety. Rationing during WW 2, for example. That's why certain provisions of the Patriot Act come for renewal from time to time; they are deemed to be temporary measures. Having said that, this is a different America than 50 years ago. I have no trust in our elected officials, nor did our Founding Fathers, which is why the Constitution says the things it does. Sadly, most in Congress and most American know precious little about what the Constitution says.
Most Americans are paranoid about privacy, I know I am for sure. But we also realize that privacy is pretty much an illusion these days; one use of a credit card or a bank loan or a DVD rental and its game over for privacy. I guess that's the price one pays for living in society.
At Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:30:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Very interesting blog post.
I agree that one day, maybe sooner than we think (or hope?), true Christians will be seen in that light. To a small degree, we already are. Just the fact that I just said in the last sentence, "true Christians", would probably trigger alarms in the minds of some readers that may happen by.
The good news is that true Christians (born again vs. members of a "religion" by the same name; Christian.) won't be going around with bombs and otherwise hurting people so there won't be a war per se, as we see now against strict Muslims, but there will be an effort to stop us from spreading our "ideologies" (we read that as being the gospel) that are a threat to the development of a "peaceful world".
I was deeply involved in the so called "hippie" movement of the late sixties and into the seventies, and the draw, for me, was this prevalent idea of having a one world order filled with peace and love. I didn't know better at the time, but there was a powerful spiritual force bringing that along and driving it forward. In many ways, I see this now as a Christian, that movement was about (you'll find this hard to believe but I'll freely discuss it with anyone) finding righteousness and peace and joy. Interesting, eh? In Romans 14 we are told that the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. So the "hippie" movement was an attempt, at least at the beginning before it rapidly degenerated, to enter the Kingdom of God, but it was by another way and not through Jesus (John 10). That is why it fell apart. Hmmmm .... I was going somewhere with this but was distracted by a phone call and now I forget ...... Oh well, if it comes back to me, I'll post more later.
At Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:53:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I read that Christians in China are actually praying for our persecution- to revive our faith! After all- what good is our testimony to be a Christian in good times, when everything is going easy for us? It's when the persecution comes, and you stand for your faith in the face of death or torture, that your testimony is strongest.
That is sad, I would NEVER EVER pray for someone to suffer and get hurt. That is just sad. I pray for everyones health. I pray they will open there eyes, not get them knocked opened.
At Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:54:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hope that they can do a better job on catching any terrorists.
Far as the comment calling names of other Christians in America, I thing that is not a good thing to do.
It is always better to say HOW YOU FEEL than to call someone else names.
Also, we should care about the laws. All it takes for bad to prosper is for good men to stand around and DO NOTHING!
At Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:56:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
There is one thing that could possibly harm our country even though there are many many Christians doing Gods work here and all over the world. That is the allowing of other religions to permiate our country. I know, I know, freedom of religion. But lets take a look at the history of Israel and what God asked them to do regarding having other religions and gods.
I believe that we as a country are asking for the same kind of trouble because of our "tolerance" toward the teachings of other gods and the religions that involve those gods.
Not only that but we are a wealthy country that has the finest things. We live for money (I should say that does tend to be the focus the the American Dream) These are things that take us out of the realm of God and into the hands of the prince of the world.
Babylon does not necessarily mean a physical place. It could also mean something spiritual and evil.
There used to be morals that centered around Gods principles, now it is do what ever you want because after all we are the land of the free.
I fear that America is in bondage the same as the other countries our bondage just looks better because we happen to be the super power of the world.
We really need to pray for our country and remember that complacency is very, very dangerous.
the deciever works in many ways. Let's not be decieved by him..
God bless
At Friday, May 26, 2006 8:45:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well, we know that the governement is using scare tactics in order to tighten its grip on us. It is all a set up for the mark of the beast--making its way with a quickness under the guise of identity theft prevention. Come soon Lord
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:29:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't know, I've seen a lot of people blossom during hardtimes (not nessarily persecution), and others just break and forget Jesus. I am glad God let me be born here, but I know there are better things in heaven waiting for me. I think America will go down quick and hard as soon as we forget God. Hmm, we know God could use either situation for good.
Look at the Corinthians: 4;8Already you have all you want! Already you have become rich! You have become kingsāand that without us! How I wish that you really had become kings so that we might be kings with you! 9For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like men condemned to die in the arena. We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to men. 10We are fools for Christ, but you are so wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are honored, we are dishonored! 11To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless. 12We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; 13when we are slandered, we answer kindly. Up to this moment we have become the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world.
14I am not writing this to shame you, but to warn you, as my dear children.
This always struck me like "Don't forget those who are suffering for Christ, it's ok that your not right now, but don't think that means anything"
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:29:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I also think america will go down quick and hard when its time. And yes there are better things in heaven waiting.
We get a false sense of Security here in usa, when we do not know the lord. Yes there are Great military men protecting us, ect. But I truely do not think they do it alone. I know God is there helping. He is our protection. One day though its going to bust, because God will not take people ingoring him.
He will show his wrath. I tell you, I do not want to be one of those people who do not have the lord at this time.
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:32:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Geez, this monitoring our phone records deal is starting to get on my nerves, they do not have people on a third line listening to all of our conversations... This would take 1 person out of 3 people in America listening to our every phone call. No! They do not do that...
They have word sensors, example:
If you made a call to some-one and you used the words "going to blow up tunnel."Then that person calls some-one else and uses a similar sentence, and that person makes a phone call to another country like Iraq for example, then the Machine will alert the Homeland security and they will track the calls and get the men... They do not read your conversation unless three or four weird conversations take place that link each other in a almost like relay of messages...
Geez, this isn't invading privacy...No one is listening on the other end you know how much man power that would take...
Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone but the Democrats are making up stories to get themselves elected, and people are just dumb enough to believe it...
First off, and again I am not setting out to offend anyone, I have not swallowed any Democrat stories but just read the neutral news items that are available on the subject.
It would seem that the thing is that the US government wants the ability to "wire tap" all telephone calls without the benefit of a warrant or court order. Doesn't that make you even a little bit suspicious?
As for "key words", do you feel happy about trusting government employees to monitor your private conversations and react to words that they deem to be "worthy of a red flag"? What if they get it totally wrong, misread words and end up by interrogating you as a "terrorist"?
Also we have to have tremendous trust here, when we realise that the definition of "terrorist" relies entirely on the whim of a bureaucrat.
Though more importantly, if for years and years to "wire tap 'phone calls" a judge was required to sign off a warrant, what is so special about today that you feel it is OK to totally give up your right to private communication for?
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:32:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well now,let's ponder. I never say anything about our country or our govt, in private that I wouldn't say publically. In fact if they did tap my phone, some of the politicians in our country might get a pretty good idea what I really think of them...... Especially our PM.
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:34:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well now,let's ponder. I never say anything about our country or our govt, in private that I wouldn't say publically. In fact if they did tap my phone, some of the politicians in our country might get a pretty good idea what I really think of them...... Especially our PM.
Great. And when Queen Helen calls you a "little creep" and sends the uniformed branch of the Inland Revenue round to pepper spray you and arrest you for "being suspected of driving over the speed limit at some time in your life" I will come and visit you in jail.
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:35:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
over reacting a little bit ......aren't we? Everybody is always screaming about their rights. Well one of our rights is to have our elected Govts to protect our borders from terrorists and if it means phone tapping, well let them get on with it. I would sooner open the door to someone from my own country with a warrant, than open the door to face a terrorist with a loaded gun pointing at me.
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:36:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
over reacting a little bit ......aren't we? Everybody is always screaming about their rights. Well one of our rights is to have our elected Govts to protect our borders from terrorists and if it means phone tapping, well let them get on with it. I would sooner open the door to someone from my own country with a warrant, than open the door to face a terrorist with a loaded gun pointing at me.
I really want to know. Just HOW do you believe that "our elected government" will "protect our borders from terrorists" by tapping your 'phone?
This "climate of fear" that has been created by governments throughout the world is entirely artificial, there is not "terrorists everywhere" and "this massive problem of the great terrorist threat" that government has created cannot be solved by you giving up all your basic human rights and giving government bucketloads of money.
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:37:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am not saying that phone tapping will protect our borders. I am saying desperate situations take desperate measures. and I don't think there is anything artificial about the warning of terrorists, that you say the govts have created.
You have the right to protest, when and if it does happen, and you have Ms Bradford in parliament to lead the march. She's good at that.
I've been around long enough to know not to trust anybody and you can bet your boots when the time comes this govt will do exactly what it is told to do by the NWO and I for one am not afraid of giving any of my so-called rights for our home security. Anyway you can always do what the kids do and text your messages on a cell phone.
Climate of fear that has been created by govts? d'ya reckon?
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:38:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have to say it: WHAT "desperate situations" are you referring to when you say "desperate situations take desperate measures"?
I can condone "'phone tapping" by a government agency (that would include the police) in certain specific criminal cases, but only with the utmost care and consideration taken to avoid any mistakes and the correct paper work done with a warrant signed by a judge after a proper hearing. But I could never see the need for a bureaucrat to "secretly order mass 'phone tapping, email eavesdropping or correspondence "censoring", as it would appear that they want to do in America right now. Particularly using the most ludicrous of excuses "it will catch terrorists". Do you think that real terrorists would be that careless? And yes, I know it is a really extreme view but I have no doubt that governments have created the world "terrorist threat" (or at least grossly exaggerated the actions of a few real terrorists). I believe that governments everywhere are not above sacrificing their own people, buildings and infrastructures to scare people into letting politicians do what they have wanted to do for some time, and welcome totalitarianism with open arms. You know, "the Reichstag fire"?
I am also under no illusions about this government. They would "buckle" in a "heartbeat" to the whims of the NWO. However, this shouldn't stop us "fighting with every fibre of our being". I really hope that you're not serious about giving anything up for (an illusion of) "home security",because there is no way that I will ever willingly give up my God given rights for the perception of security.
As for "the right to protest". Well going by what is happening overseas (I mean UK or America - just like us, not China - as that is a given anyway) the "right to protest" will probably be non-existant and certainly ineffective. I, and a lot of others "protested peacefully" about the "digi-id-driving licence" scam and a "fat lot of good" that did the country, the politicians just all amitted that they had been dishonest, but didn't do anything about it. And I really wouldn't like to have to rely on Sue Bradford to get any messages across, she'd probably "get all confused" - as she has with her abolition of S59 of the Crimes Act, Bill - and end up by doing absolutely nothing. Anyway, I know I shouldn't introduce politics here but I have to say that I think the Greens "had it" with the people when they failed to get the GE moratorium extended. I am actually suprised that any of them are still there.
Another thing: It is far easier to "eavesdrop" on txt messaging than it is to listen in on voice mail. You probably know that though.
Lastly: "Climate of fear that has been created by govts? d'ya reckon?" I MOST CERTAINLY DO RECKON THAT THAT IS THE CASE!
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:39:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's not the govts that are creating a climate of fear, it's the conspiracy theorists and that's one of the reasons that conspiracy is not welcome on this board. Any true bible believing, spirit filled regenerated christian should have nothing to fear, because nothing or no one is going to change the out come and I'm not naive not to know that theses measures will not be imposed on us willy nilly. I am not suggesting that all phone lines will be tapped, I give a little bit of gumtion to the authorities to know what they are doing.
Get up and smell the coffee, buck the system. Your screen name suggests your outlook on life.
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:39:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Whoa, baby! You're hot tonight.
There is not one person on this board more converned with privacy than I. I dont use a phone, so they can't tap it. But, the reality is, privacy is an illusion in the 21st century. I guarantee, Buck and Eric, there is some 12 year old down the street than can find out our credit score if he wanted to. The technology to build massive data bases has been around for a couple of decades. The technology to listen in your phone calls has likewise been around for a long time. But two things: the government is one massive beurocracy...it takes an act of G-d to get anything done. Really, there are too many buffoons and career politicians competing for votes, money, prestege and power to worry about. And, secondly, there isn't the manpower to listen into every citizens 500 free minutes! I mean, just think about it for a minute. Just in the average 8th grade class...how many cell phones there are...how many useless text messages and gossip sessions going on.
To me, this whole NSA story is so overblown, it's a distraction from more pressing issues.
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:40:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
You are absolutely right. With the technology they have today some one could phone you and tell you what tv channel you are watching. Nothing like a few red herrings to take your mind off what is really going on. The 2nd psalm says it all for me.
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:40:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
My opinion entirely: For a climate of fear to exist to the extent that people are even contemplating "giving up liberty for the sake of 'security'" is something that "conspiracy theorists" could not bring about. It is politicians who get up and make panicky speeches all the time about "terrorists everywhere".
And "authorities with gumption" - you've got to be kidding. In my experience "authorities" (I assume you mean government bureaucrats and employees in general) are incompetent, lazy, stupid and corrupt - they most certainly don't have "gumption" or "know what they are doing".
And "Buckthesystem" - yeah, good isn't it? That sure does reflect my outlook on life (I haven't always had this outlook though, just in the last 10 years or so since I noticed what is going on).
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:41:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
And so say 2.5 billion people all over the globe. So what do you want an autocracy. Or are you to lay awake each night worrying what big grother is going to impose on you next. I've been hearing it all now for twenty years, but I have faith in God, because His bible has warned us of such happenings. Every govt in the world is corrupt, a ten year old can tell you that, but we the people vote for them so we deserve what we get.
I am more concerned about the events around Israel and Jerusalem, because I believe that is where the biggy will start and end. God will not go back on His promises to save those who endure to the end.
Stop worrying Buck and enjoy your life in the Lord.
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:42:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am going to list all the rights we have lost in the last 10 or more years.
The right to life (Abortion 1/3 of our generation [last 30 years] has been murdered)
The right to bear arms (it started in San Francisco)
The right to property (Supreme Court imminant domain ruling)
The right to speak (when was the last time a conservative politician was allowed to speak at a liberal organization without being heckled, disrespected and assaulted)? Political Correctness too.
The right to worship as you please (Well, as long as you are not a Christian you still have that right)
If there is anything I have left out, please correct me. Everyone of these rights were restricted (in some way) or completely dissolved by socialist democrats. That is 7 rights that they are responsible for taking away. Now these same demoncrats want to criticize the President for the wire-tap policy(of which he acted under the authority given him by the US Constitution, which was amended and voted on by the House and Senate.) Any liberal that wants to criticize the president for this needs to answer this question. . .
If you are so concerned about our rights, why are you fighting to take away our freedom of speech, religion, life, and our right to bear arms? Of all the rights you have some participation in being removed, why is the right to privacy your biggest concern? Do you have something to hide?
As far as conspiracies of the government destroying the WTC and part of the Pentagon, what planet are you on? You think this is one vast conspiracy so the government can snoop in your dirty laundry? Let me guess, the 911 hijackers were secret CIA prisoners that were brainwashed to pilot aircraft and crash them into our buildings, so the government could justify a war with Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran etc. If you include the over 3000 Americans dead and the 2000-3000 dead soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan, that seems like a very large price to pay for oil and complete government control. This whole process has cost us hundreds of billions of dollars. Why pay that much to wiretap phones. All the republican government had to do was sit around and wait for the liberals to overturn just laws and insert unconstitutional ones. You know exactly what I am talking about. Just look at what these liberals, that are so concerned about our rights, have done. Wise up, people. The biggest threat to our country is not terrorists, it's our own people. The ACLU, the environmentalists, the animal rights activists, the atheists, the polytheists, the polygamists, the sexually depraved, etc. and anything that goes against our rights and our christianity is a major issue. I say ignore the politics, the world is only going to get worse, we need to find those diamonds in the ruff and put the light of God on them, so they can shine, they are there, we need to find them and bring them to God. The rest will work out the way God intends, we know that in the end, we win.
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:44:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
what about the right to privacy? That has been lost in so many ways it is not even funny.
Then look up the Patriot Act and see what that takes away. There is nothing positive in it at all, it is absolutely horrible, and sure not very patriotic.
The Patriot Act is the final death knell to the American constitution.
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:45:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
it is a basic premis of law and law enforcement. to have more security, we will have less privacy, more privacy, less security. we can't have it all ways. personally i am not threatened by the things cnn blows all out of proportion and repeats it over and over and then brings in their talking heads to drone on and on about it until they have people either hiding under their beds or on the roof with a rifle. yes security is important in the post 911 society, if the government wants to listen in on my phone conversations or follow me around, they really have too much time on their hands. 10-15 years ago, it may have made sense, but since Christ, got in my way on my way down, there isn't much point in it.
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:50:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:51:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am sorry, but I just don't get it. When you say "it is a basic premise of law enforcement, to have more security we will have less privacy, more privacy, less security. How? And Why do you think that more privacy equates to less security? Or that losing privacy for everybody will enhance their security?
This is a totally new concept - the one of denigrating privacy and the strange idea that privacy is something that must be given up for reasons of "security". Yet nobody has come up with how this is, or why this is!
And: "Security is important in the post 9.11 society". It is sad to see how easily people have bought into the idea that "there was 9.11 and now the rules have changed". This is simply not the case.
America has always had one of the fairest legal systems in the world and it would be a pity to see that destroyed. Their legal system always seems to have been based on limited government power as people have feared that government will take advantage of power given to it, so the government's ability to collect information about its citizens has been restrained and people accept the price. What has changed recently?
If those limitations interfere with law enforcement that is the price we must pay for privacy. EG evidence is suppressed in cases where the police search a "suspect's" home without a warrant even if the evidence proves helpful to the police case. Why? Because it was collected illegally and immorally. Now what is the difference between that and eavesdropping on all citizens' telephone calls, emails and other communications?
At Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:53:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, I was hesitant to get all "conspiracy theoryish" but then this is "controversial issues", so: You seem to be blaming "liberals" for a lot of the ideas that you don't agree with, so first let me say that I consider myself to be rather conservative in politics and I don't consider being concerned about the truth, human dignity and civil rights to be a liberal trait alone.
I will admit that as an outsider I am not terribly well versed in American politics but I do think it odd that while I admire greatly a lot of GW Bush's characteristics, he seems to have abused "executive powers" far more than any other president ever.
Do you really think that anyone concerned with the right to privacy "has something to hide"? Gee, well I know that I definitely have something to hide. It is called "my own business" or "my private life" and what I say or who I talk to is none of the government's business. If they want to know, they can ask me and if I want to tell them, I will - but if I don't want to, then surely that is my right?
As for "the government destroying the WTC and part of the Pentagon" and " Let me guess, the 911 hijackers were secret CIA prisoners that were brainwashed to pilot aircraft and crash them into our buildings" (I don't think the reason has anything to do with the war with Iraq, but more to do with "an excuse to denigrate human rights throughout the world). No, (this is my personal opinion entirely and I will not repeat myself all the time and will drop it after this) but I think this was "allowed to happen" and as it is not even logical that an aircraft flying into the top of a building would turn the entire building to dust and destroy everything without trace, it was a "controlled explosion". You don't really think that your government is above this, do you?
Governments do not care at all about how many lives are sacrificed or what price "other people" pay in $s or human suffering.
We really need God in these times more than ever and I'm sure God would warn us against complacency.
At Tuesday, July 18, 2006 12:34:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
At Thursday, July 20, 2006 5:31:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
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