In The News - Commentary by Kim

My precious Lord and Savior is coming soon and the countdown continues. As I watch the news, it only makes me more and more excited about the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Biblical prophecy, written thousands of years ago, is unfolding right before our eyes and it is an exciting time to be alive. Maranatha!!!!

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Christians Viewed as Terrorists

A high school in New Jersey has performed a drill with its students of a mock hostage situation. Some students played the roles of armed suspects and officers, and dead and wounded victims. With all the school shootings in recent years, this doesn't seem like a bad idea, right? What is alarming is that the suspects in the scenario were a Fundamentalist right-wing group called the "New Crusaders," which doesn't believe in the separation of church and state. In the scenario this group was outraged and was seeking justice when a student was expelled from school for praying. Evidently, viewing and portraying Christians as being terrorists is much more politically correct than the Islamic extremists that we regularly read about on the news carrying out various sorts of attacks. What a seemingly inconspicuous way of indoctrinating American children to view anyone holding uncompromised Christian beliefs as being dangerous. These types of incidents will become more prevalent in our country as our society becomes more and more anti-Christian. It is definitely a sign of the end of days when a coming world leader will be given authority to persecute Christians.

And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Revelation 13:7

The people of the world will accept this persecution of the saints because they will all worship him.

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Revelation 13:8

What could possibly make all the people who dwell on the earth to give approval to a world leader to kill Christians? In Nazi Germany, Hitler was able to spread a hatred for the Jews which gave rise to hostility not only in Germany, but permeated throughout Europe as well. The people then gave approval for their destruction. How was he able to do this? In a nutshell, he blamed the Jews for all of the problems the German people were facing at the time. He convinced the people that the Jews were subhuman, a threat, and must be eliminated. This may only be the genesis of a trend to demonize those who hold the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.

In light of this news story, I am going to repost a commentary that I wrote last year. The article was written in response to the government seeking to monitor phone calls, however the scenario described is one that is relevant to the article I just discussed, and may soon come to pass.

So what's the big deal anyway? We sacrifice a little privacy for the sake of security. I mean, have we forgotten so quickly the images of the planes flying into the Twin Towers and the desperately hopeless bodies flailing out of the windows of the buildings to their deaths, right before it collapsed and came crashing to the ground? Those images are so horrible to relive that we have to do something, right? We all know our borders aren't secure, so we have to do something about those anti-American terrorists over here plotting our deaths on our own soil. So if the government wants to ensure our safety, then it must be able to take whatever measures necessary in order to make sure it can spy on whomever it deems necessary. If that means that they need to monitor our phone records which will inevitably lead to listening to our phone calls without our consent, (who are they trying to fool?), big deal! If I am not doing anything wrong then it shouldn't matter, right? So what if they know I'm talking to my Mom about my travel plans to Florida this summer, or to my friend about my latest recipe endeavor? Isn't the safety of thousands or maybe even millions of Americans more important? And they are only really interested in the bad guys anyway. But, wait a minute! What is a bad guy? What is a terrorist? I just looked up several definitions, which basically say about the same thing.

A terrorist is a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities.

Now I am asking this question because several years ago I had a rather lengthy dialogue with a penpal of mine from South Africa. She is a Muslim girl that I didn't know throughout the years of writing to her that she held very strong anti-American sentiments. Right after 9/11 we began discussing the events of the time, which inevitably led the discussion up to the entire Intifada movement in Israel. Suicide bombings were a daily occurrence. However to her, the Palestinians involved in the suicide bombings were "freedom fighters". This didn't surprise me since everything that she and I discussed, I had heard many times by those who shared her views. Those that I saw as terrorists, she regarded as freedom fighters. So the question is:

Is being a terrorist in the eye of the beholder?

If being a terrorist is indeed in the eye of the beholder, then who is deemed a terrorist depends on who is defining the person, right? Yes sure today when we think of a terrorist we think of someone of Middle Eastern descent with very radical views and bent of the destruction of Israel and America (mainly for her support of Israel). Basically, this person we believe is against peace and against what we stand for in our country. This is mainly who our current president has in mind and is targeting. But Bush has only a short time left as our leader and new leaders will eventually emerge on the scene, with the same laws, giving the same liberties, on the books. Now we have someone else doing the "beholding". Now this new person with access to the same laws, giving the same liberties to the government, is defining who a terrorist is. Sure, the goal remains to target those that are against peace and against what we stand for. But what do we stand for? Do we even agree as Amercians on that? The big buzz word in our country is that everloving "T" word - Tolerance. After all, those terrorists sure aren't tolerant of those who disagree with their political views, are they? But there are also others that aren't tolerant either- like those Christians who believe that Jesus is the only way to salvation. They are in essence saying that no one can get to heaven except by believing in Jesus. Now that isn't very tolerant in light of the fact that most people in the world do not believe in Jesus.

So now we have to revisit that definition of a terrorist.

A terrorist is a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities.

There is no doubt that the whole thought of your way as being the only way is pretty radical. That fundamentalist "Religious Right" group is for sure influential in the political arena. They are always sticking their noses in political affairs. Gee, haven't these people ever heard of separation of church and state? But do they use terror? Well, what can be more terrorising than the thought of eternal punishment? They certainly organize in small groups with others like them under the name of religion. Oh my goodness, I think we have another terrorist organization! Of course they don't believe that they are terrorists, but isn't being a terrorist in the eye of the beholder?

OK, so now I am a leader of the most powerful nation in the world and I have deemed that these Christians are a terrorist organization. They are certainly against the American values of peace and tolerance because they won't let go of their radical, intolerant views of Jesus being the only way to salvation. Their political influence is making it impossible to move forward as a nation because they refuse to embrace the ideas of all the other religions represented in the country. They also keep trying to push their own values on the culture, like trying to make us look at those laws reflecting their values called the Ten Commandments on our public properties. What is the difference between them and radical Islam? Can't see much. After all, one uses physical intimidation and the other uses psychological intimidation. Hey, I know it is a stretch but I am doing the "beholding" so I can judge however I want, remember?

Well, luckily we have these laws on the book that our previous president George W. Bush put in place years ago, among which makes it legal for the government to spy on its citizens if it believes that they may be engaged in terrorist activities. We must keep watch on those Christians and monitor their movements. After all, now that we have deemed that they are terrorists, their rights as American citizens are now forfeited.

So what is a little privacy forfeited in the name of security? What is the big deal anyway? Who is it going to hurt? After all, they are only going after the terrorists and not regular, law-abiding citizens like you and me, right?


Well, we know that the scriptures tell us that there is going to be a coming world leader who will have control over the whole world, and who will not be very friendly to Christians.

Rev. 13:7 And the beast was allowed to wage war against God's holy people and to overcome them. And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation.

Now this world leader is going to have incredible control, even over our economic system, as we have not seen in our country in our lifetime.

Rev. 13: 16-17 He required everyone-great and small, rich and poor, slave and free-to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. 17 And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.

But in our country? Our free country? How can that happen? Well, it will happen because the scriptures tell us so. How do we lose our sovereignty and freedoms? Just one little security-building law at a time.

(I wrote this commentary in response to this news item: )


  • At Saturday, April 14, 2007 4:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I wish more people would understand that terrorists use religion to cover up the fact that they are power hungry little cockroaches who want to make sure everyone thinks how they live.

    In Ossama's perfect world, people like me, my mother, my father, my siblings are considered infidels even though my mother is a woman who deeply believes in God and the Prophet and my father does too. We were raised to seperate church/mosque and state. While we had and still have plenty of religion in our home, we were taught that belief is a very private very personal thing.

    In Ossama's perfect world, people like me die. In Koresh's perfect world, people who do not believe he is the messiah die. In any terrorist cells perfect world, anyone who disagrees dies.

    Why can't people see that? Why do they only see what they want to see? Do I agree with what the school did? I am not sure. I can tell you that I am surprised. 99/100 times, Muslims are always always the bad guy. Just watch any hollywood movie. We are never normal decent people who just want to live and let live. We are always the crazies, the weirdos, the murderous thugs. How fair is that?

  • At Saturday, April 14, 2007 4:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry, the comment above was me. Blogger isn't allowing me to comment with my name. it keeps referring me back to a login page?


  • At Sunday, May 13, 2007 8:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Archbishop Silvano Tomasi passed a law at the UN Human Rights Commission which restricts Jews and Christians from commenting about the holocaust and terrorism. The archbishop says those topics of conversation upsets Roman Catholics and Moslems (Since both parties don't believe in freedom of speech)The anti-Christ is surely alive on planet earth.

  • At Monday, June 11, 2007 3:10:00 PM, Blogger Stan said…

    Thanks for the commentary! Keep up the good work.

  • At Friday, December 14, 2007 1:27:00 AM, Blogger Duke said…

    Peace be with you Kim.Peace
    The good news is that the time has come,
    the harvest is ripe.

  • At Thursday, March 06, 2008 9:18:00 PM, Blogger Duke said…

    Peace be with the moderator as well as those reading this message.
    The time has come.
    I am here to bring judgment to the living and the dead.
    The harvest is ripe, pass this on to all fellow believers.

    The Faithful Witness

  • At Thursday, August 14, 2008 5:02:00 PM, Blogger Michelle Collier said…

    Dear Kim,

    I appreciate your blog. I ran the website for four years and then I had to focus on some pressing issues. I am now ready to commit to blogging and your site is an encouragement. I hope to hear more from you as we are the same age with a lot in common. Let's share notes!

    Michelle aka Knowah

  • At Monday, April 13, 2009 9:00:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....


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